Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Blog Post 9/28

Reflective Writing in response to the Buzzfeed Videos

I watched the videos “Chinese People Try Panda Express For the First Time” and “Americans Try German Food For The First Time”. In the Panda Express video, the elders’ reaction to American Chinese food was mild and accepted in general. They agreed that some dishes tasted delicious and authentic while some other dishes were not that authentic but still acceptable. However, the young people’s reaction to the food was furious. They disliked the food and considered it fake Chinese food. I was actually very surprised by their reactions while watching the video, and their reactions seemed a little ridiculous to me. The most surprising thing was that the young people, who seemed to be raised in a western environment, were very critical about the food while the elders endorsed the food. Based on my personal experience of eating at Panda Express, I would agree with the elders that some dishes are considerably authentic. Thus, in my opinion, the young people were just being very pretentious and judgmental.

Americans’ reactions to German food were not surprising to me. They all liked the German sausage very much and some of them disliked the German drink and candy. I feel the same as them. When I travelled to Germany, I loved the sausages which were meaty and delicious. Some drinks and candy may taste weird at the first time because we are not yet adapted to the new taste. I encountered many weird food, drinks, and snacks while travelling in different countries. Thus, Americans’ reactions to German food were pretty normal from my perspective. 

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